Lilibow's lovely life


Blog post #3: So Apparently I Don't like Human Genetics and I'm Frustrated with My Art

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

8:10 pm

So I found out I actually don't like Human Genetics, kind of embarassed after I was rambling so much about it. Chromosomes would still be fun to draw though, if I could actually get myself to draw

It's like I have all these ideas for art but executing them is a lot harder. I realized that I probably need to start off with some practice pieces, since I don't think i've done high-quality digital art in a while. If anything I make little doodles on MSPaint. MSPaint is actually the only program I can draw with honestly, don't know why.

So I need to start practicing, but today the moment I touched the canvas it felt like I knew what I wanted to draw. It didn't turn out how I wanted it to look like but I felt like my ideas were out there eitherway. Then later I just drew a bit more and I had another idea out.

When it comes to traditional art, I can usually freehand my drawings, but I guess with digital I need to put more effort into it; like sketch out and choose a color pallete and stuff. Also need to get used to the feel of the tablet, that's something I never got

So anyways here are some examples of stuff i'm trying to work on. I have no goal in mind, just try to draw whatever and see if I can get an idea going

Blog post #2: Human Genetics is mildly interesting

Sunday, February 18th, 2024


Hello Internet, i'm taking Human Genetics this year and it's actually pretty interesting. For the most part i'm trying to get through the material and finish the assignments ASAP, but if I were to take the time to sit down and watch a few videos about what we're learning about it would probably be fun. Right now I just finished working an assignment going over different kinds of mutations. Once again I sped through the assignment so I can't really say much about it but the gist I got was that there were different mutations and ways to repair them in the DNA, and if anything goes wrong they can alter certain parts of the DNA sequence, causing a change in physical traits. I think that's it.

In my earlier units we were going over cell division and I didn't know Microbiology was an actual study. It's like studying the biosphere of micro organisms in your body like Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells. Each cell is also different too. Skin cells, Blood cells, Muscle cells, Nerve cells, etc. You have a lot of cells in your body.

It's strange because originally I thought the class would be tough. The videos were around 40mins-1hr long, but now it's usually around 20-50mins. I'm handing it pretty well. One of the other things I like about this class is the subject matter it gives me. I love drawing chromosomes and giving them their unique characteristics. Here's some doodles I did of them.

You know, I know a lot of people who are going on to be doctors, it was an encouraged profession in my family. I thought I couldn't do it because it's hard, but i've been getting better at managing my time and studying. I could be an anatomy artist or do science diagrams, that would be fun.

That's all I'm gonna say for now, idk whether i'm genuinely interested or not but it was something which I thought I could write about on here. I'm going to stop typing before I say more. See you all nextime, have a good day

Blog post #1

February 16th, 2024


Hello Internet, pretty nervous about making my first blog post on here, but it's worth a shot. I'm pretty new to HTML. Learned it last year, and only know the barebones for making a webpage. I have this book about HTML and CSS which can help me learn more about making a website. I kind of want to do more development so it doesn't look so bad but you got to start somewhere, and here I start.

I have no clue how i'm going to do these posts. Apparently you need to code the entire article in the HTML? That blew my mind. I thought you needed to code a feature to post your stuff, like what all platforms have such as Instagram or Tumblr.

More about the book, they gave me recommendations about ways to get started with Javascript. I have a lot of ideas I want to make with Javascript, specifically games. Right now i'm making a calculator but I'm having issues with getting it to work. Might post an image about that later.

So, this is my first blog post. Tomorrow? maybe or maybe not blog post #2.

Thanks for reading, have a good day.